Carmen Arsene, President of The National Federation for Animal Protection (FNPA), Romania, presented the stray dog situation in Romania, “Current Dog Management Practices in Romania. Towards a Sustainable and Human Solution?, at the European Parliament, in the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, in Strasbourg, 8 October 2015.

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European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals signed by Romania in 2004, but never applied.

Strasbourg, 13.XI.1987


is the President of Romania elected on December 21st 2014.

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MEPs email list.pdf
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Template to write MEPs
This letter can be send to protest against the killing of stray dogs in Romania. You can also get inspiration for your own letter.
Letter to MEPs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 43.4 KB

European Parliament Intergroup on the welfare and conservation of animals;