This is the story about an ordinary Romanian stray pup;
we met Axel during our trip in Romania on June. She was there staring at us with her beautiful eyes and her pink nose, unfortunately we werent't able to rescue her at that moment but we knew we would have changed her life forever.
Two months later we have organised her rescue from the poor shelter conditions where she was growing hopeless.
The 30th of july she has been picked up by our local rescuer Cristina. She brought Axel immediately to the veterinary clinic as she was showing signs of a serious illness.
Axel hasn't been lucky enough, besides the fact that she was in a pitful shape, very skinny and full of fleas, the worst has been announced to us. Axel has been infected with the canine Distemper virus.
Despite such bad news we have decided that Axel deserves our help to get a chance of a full recover, but unfortunately after a bright of hope two months later Axel lost her fight against Distemper. Euthanasia has been recommended by the veterinarian in order to avoid anymore pain to her.
You were our beautiful angel and we will miss you forever Axel.
Veterinarian adivse for euthanasia.
Canine Distemper used to be one of the leading causes of death in unvaccinated puppies throughout the world. Although the incidence of distemper has decreased dramatically over the years due to distemper vaccination programs, the distemper virus is still out there and can strike without warning.
The distemper virus is related to the human measles virus and can produce different disease patterns in distemper infected dogs. Dogs infected with distemper shed the distemper virus in all body excretions, with airborne transmission the most common means of distemper dissemination. Like kennel cough, distemper is highly contagious and can travel some distance on air currents.
Distemper is a multi-faceted disease; that is, it can affect a number of different body systems, including the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Early signs of distemper include fever, loss of appetite, and a mild conjunctivitis (eye inflammation). These signs of distemper infection can come and go, lasting only a few days at a time. As a result, pet owners often miss or ignore this early distemper phase.
As distemper progresses, signs become more serious and extensive. Distemper can cause coughing, breathing difficulties, eye and nose discharges, vomiting and diarrhea, blindness, paralysis, and seizures. The seizures associated with distemper often have their own unique presentation, called chewing gum fits. As the name implies, dogs stricken with distemper -induced seizures will look as if they are "chewing gum". In fact, many owners, when they see this, immediately think of rabies.
The final outcome of a distemper infection depends on the extent of exposure, the strain of the distemper virus involved, and on the ability of the dog's immune system to mount a defense against the distemper virus (with the help of supportive treatment). Depending upon these factors, infection outcome can present itself in one of four ways:
1. Death
2. Recovery with no lasting side effects from the distemper virus
3. Recovery, with non life-threatening side effects from the distemper virus
4. Recovery, with life-threatening sequela from the distemper virus