This gorgeous boy's name is Theo, some of you will remember
him as we have promoted him for adoption last Christmas.
Theo is a 4 yrs Romanian stray dog rescued on march 2016 from an awful Romanian public shelter
called Ecosal-Galati. He spent 2 years of his poor life stuck in a dark cell without sunlight and fed only once in a while.
Few months ago we saw by chance a picture of this beautiful dog looking for a family and we
decided immediately to take him under our wing.
We found for him the best family ever on Christmas … and we know now for sure that Theo has been
adopted by the most loving and caring family that didn’t give up on him in the sickness.
Theo arrived at his foster family in UK on 21st of december 2016, it has been love at first
sight with Karon and Ceri that adopted him the same day.
Few weeks later following to a awkwardly fall Theo went through a complete veterinarian
examination of his lower pelvic area.
Unfortunately the veterinarian found out through x-rays a suspicious mass that could possibly be
a "Transmissible Veneral Tumour" of the penile region which the insurance company would not take in charge the costs of the surgery and treatment as Theo’s illness was out of the inception date
and considered as pre-existing condition .
You will find attached Theo’s fully detailed clinical history since his arrival in UK and
diagnosis of a TVT and The veterinary clinic contact.
1)on January 12th theo had his surgery to get the mass removed and send it for histology to
ascertain what it was.
2)on January 19th the clinic received the histology results confirming suspicious of
Transmissible Veneral Tumour, the veterinary informed Karen and Ceri that it would respond well to a course of chemotherapy.
A minimum of 4 sessions of chemotherapy would be needed and there would also be at least 2 blood
screens necessary.
Amount spent so far before any further treatment 759.85£
A round of Chemotherapy costs 296.56£ ( for 4 total is 1186.24£)
It makes a total to raise of 1946£
Europe4strays adoption contract stipulates that we must be informed of any health issue that
might occur to « our » dog.
Karon and Ceri informed us and due to the recent adoption date (obvioulsy Theo has been adopted
with this pre-existing condition) we couldn’t leave them taking charge of these unanticipated high health care costs.
Theo our Romanian stray at Feldon Veterinary Centres - Hinckley
Greeted by our Spanish Galgo Star Mila and her adopter Fay Mccallum.
This is also the power of Europe4strays we are connecting throughout Europe our promoted dogs and their lovely adopters. And building an Internationa solidarity chain in favor of the european strays forgotten by EU legislation.
Today we appeal to your generosity because Theo worths it …because Theo means the world to
Karon, Ceri and his fur buddy Dexter.
Life hasn’t been fair with Theo so far ..let’s show him how strong is our love for him and let’s
tell Theo WE LOVE YOU and we will help you all together to have the longest happy and healthy life possible.
Please donate! Any amount will help Karon and Ceri to ensure for Theo the best veterinary care on long term.