Mila's Miracle

Mila for Milagro (miracle in Spanish).
Mila is a very young Galga rescued on the 6th of february 2016 in Andalucia, Spain.

Within a few days she became a hero on social networks with hundreds of retweets and shares. 

Her coward spanish hunter (galguero) hit her over the head with a garden tool and left her for dead in the field. Mila made it against all odds, she is the lucky one but most are not this lucky, they simply die! The plight of the galgos is real.
Mila's story is helping to raise awareness of this situation. Who would think that this kind of thing still goes on in the modern world. It is time for change. But it will take many human voices to stand up for the dogs that are slaughtered each year that have no voice against the Galgueros. 

To support the Galgos of Spain you can donate through our website mentionning on your message " for Mila's friends" We will forward your donations to Maria and her dog refuge named " A New Day Spain" that saved the life of Mila and many others.

Mila today. She won the battle for her life against the "galguero" and she is enjoyng her new happy life in UK loved and far from harm forever.

The Amazing Recovery.

Maria that runs the local dog refuge, tells us about Mila's rescue:
Mila was brought to the refuge by a young Spanish couple who found her out in the campo whilst walking their dog.
We took her indoors and I began to clean her head but then found one of the deep holes and knew I had to get her to the vet. As the vet worked on cleaning her up I was totally horrified to see how horrendous her wounds were. Neither myself nor the vet could believe she was still alive. The wound was 4/5 days old and as well as being so deep and with a broken skull was severely infected
We all decided to at least give her a chance of surfing as she had come this far. But to be honest we didn't think she was going to make it. The first night was dreadful.

I layed with her until her breathing stabilised and I knew she was in a deep sleep.

On 7th of February Maria posted on Facebook:

"Its now 4.00am and Mila has her eyes closed and is breathing normally. I can now go to bed myself and get a few hours sleep."

When I got up in the morning I didn't know if she was going to be dead or alive. But she was alive and grew in strength from that moment on.
Almost as if she knew there was nothing more to fear. She knew she was going to get all the care she needed. And she simply improved on a daily basis. I still can't believe how quickly she healed and how all her senses still functioned normally. She has had a huge impact on our lives. We know the treatment of the galgos is really bad. But this exceeded anything we have ever seen.
Mila is a true miracle, a survivor and I am so proud of her.


9th february at 14h32 Maria updates on Mila health : Mila and I have been to the vets to have her dressing changed. The prognosis is brilliant. The holes are already a little bit smaller, the infection has cleared totally! The inner strength this dog must have is truly incredible.
Her youth has also been a godsend. So for now we continue with her medication and clean and redress the wound every 2 days. This girl truly is a walking miracle.

Happiest end for Mila that after only six days in foster in UK, she has been adopted thanks to Birmingham Greyhound Protection, a local NGO dedicated to the rescue of Greyhounds. She is adorable,beautiful and funny with a lot of personality. Despite all she still trust humans and with the strenght of the love of her new family the suffering she has been through will fade away from her memories.

Europe4strays meets Milain UK